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42 comparisons42 compared to Poker and Bridge.
42 descriptionAn excellent description of the game 42 published in Texas Monthly magazine.
42 overview42 in a nutshell: A brief description of how the game is played.
42 quiz (basics)Ten questions with answers about the game of 42.
42 quiz (history)Ten history questions with answers about 42.
1887 scenarioA short story about how 42 might have started in Texas.
1906 42 card game1906 rules for playing 42 with domino cards.
1955 42 rulesThe official rules for playing 42 in 1955.
About the game 42A short narrative about the game and its origin.
About this web siteEvolution of and stats for this 42 web site; includes listing of new documents added to site (by date).
Aggie 42 rules (1992)Texas A&M′s Lechner Hall rules, 1992-1993.
Archived documentsMostly of interest to tournament players, includes bidding and indicating discussions (links).
Beerdaddy historyA long-time 42 player in east Texas discusses the history of 42.
Bidding pollBid four different 42 hands and pick the trump suit if you were to win the bid in each.
Brain-teasersTwo challenging 42 hand brain teasers by Luis Flavio Nunes, a 42 player in Brazil.
CommentariesCommentaries by notable 42 players: Beerdaddy42, Dennis Roberson, David Roberts, Edwin Glynn Hill, Jerry Whitney/Ron Nolte, Lonn Taylor, Luis Flavio Nunes, Billy Johnson, Myrna & Tom McDonald, Jacqueline Phillips, Lacye Comer, Jody Badum, Nick Carter, Gary McClish, Lenora Boughton, and other noteworthy contributors
Crosswords - 42A 20-piece crossword puzzle that shows some of the places in Texas where 42 is played.
DemographicsMajority 42 player and polling demographics summary stats and charts.
Domino drawing handsShuffle the dominos, draw seven, and analyze your hand.
Domino ImagesSmall domino images for inserting in documents, web pages, and messages.
Domino MagicThe old card trick done with dominos. Pick a domino, and the computer will identify it.
Domino puzzles (4)Interactive domino puzzles for mentally stimulated players.
Download frames pagePortable instructions for learning how to play 42 (self-extracting).
E-mail link to friend(s)Send a friend the link to this web page.
E-mail webmasterSend your comment(s) or suggestion(s) to the webmaster.
East Texas map linksWhere east Texas is according to some maps.
Evolution of 42 siteThirty years of 42 website development
Facebook groupA Facebook group for learning, sharing, and discussing 42 bidding & playing strategies. Visitors welcome to join.
Fair play surveyOpinion poll on fair play in 42 bidding and indicating.
Feedback formSend comment, suggestion, or report web page problems.
Free 42 imagesTwo downloadable 1000x1000 Texas 42 images suitable for custom tee-shirts
Four Hand TexasArchived rules for the game that 42 was called in the olden days.
Frames versionFrames version of my 42 instructions.
Glynn Hill 42Sage advice from a long-time pure 42 player in east Texas.
Google findsNewest automated Google finds on 42 domino game since 28 Aug 2012.
Google statsTop ten Texas cities that visited, 2006/2007.
GuestbookSign-in and/or view the visitor guestbook.
Hallettsville winnersCounty residences of the winners of the annual state 42 tournaments in Hallettsville, 1981-2016.
Home pageHome page of (where this Quick Menu is linked for mobile devices like the iPhone).
Jigsaw puzzleA 20-piece crossword puzzle that shows some of the places in Texas where 42 is played.
Learn to play 42Original non-frames version of instructions.
Links to other 42 sitesUseful links to most other 42 web sites and documents.
Mineral Wells and 42Scenarios how Mineral Wells might have influenced the spread of 42 in the 1880s.
Mobile 42Mobile version of 42 playing instructions.
N42PA InformationThe National 42 Players Association: Objectives, guidelines, how to join, and more.
New additionsNew web pages added to web site since launching (29 Nov 2006).
New Mexico 42A tribute to the presence of 42 in New Mexico.
Non-frames versionNon-frames (original) version of my 42 instructions.
Non-indicating sampleA sample hand of 42 played with no indicating.
ObservationsSome observations about social (only) 42 players and tournament players.
Odds in drawingThe odds of drawing various combinations of dominos from a pool of 28.
Odessa articleNewspaper article about Roberson′s book and 42.
Open questionsQuestions that need answers (your help solicited).
Origin of 42A paraphrased newspaper article that reports how 42 originated in Garner in 1887.
Photo MemorabiliaImages of photographs that commemorate the game of 42. Visitors welcome to send other commemorative digital images.
Players mapWhere 42 players live in Texas, the U.S., and the world (maps plotted using data from Billy Johnson′s 42 players directory).
Polling commentsExtended comments on 42 polling demographics from previous online surveys.
Polling counties (Texas)These are the counties that defined the Texas polling areas in previous surveys.
Polling results (bidding)Summary of survey results for bidding the four sample hands demonstrated in the instructional pages.
Popular 42 pagesThe most popular 42 pages visited at this site between 4 March 2010 and 3 March 2011.
Print versions (PDFs)Various printable versions of my 42 instructions, all PDFs
Probability extractsExtended comments on the luck factor in the game of 42.
Proft commentsMy comments on closing out the research on the origin of 42 in Texas.
Proft′s web pagesThese are links to my main web pages, including those at
Questions & answersQuestions about 42 submitted by visitors, with answers (searchable).
Rail map (1885), U.S.U.S. map showing how states, cities, and towns were connected by the railways in 1885, six years before Garner got connected.
Rambling boyA newspaper article which includes a story about playing 42 in West Texas.
Readme for downloadThe readme file for the downloadable version of my 42 instructions.
ReflectionsReflections on 14+ years of developing and maintaining this web site.
Roberson commentsRoberson′s comments about the reported origin of 42 in Garner.
Roberson scenarioRoberson′s scenario for playing the sample hand in my instructional pages.
Roberson′s Winning 42Table of contents and link to Dennis Roberson′s book (publisher) on 42.
Scoring optionsDiscussion on scoring methods in 42: marks vs. points.
Search this siteSearch engine for
State domino gameHow 42 became the official State Domino Game of Texas.
Terms and definitionsMany of the terms (with definitions) that you might hear regarding the game 42.
Texas 42 appPlay 42 on the iPhone, iPod touch, & iPad
Texas 42 appPlay 42 on the iPad (HD)
Texas 42 playersDiscussion on estimating the number of active 42 players in Texas.
Texas 42 poemA poem about the game of Texas 42 (written by a Tennessean).
Texas 42 songLyrics (with background music) about the game of 42. Why not? Everything else has a song. :-)
Texas imageColorful Texas graphic that shows some places where 42 is played.
Texas quick factsEverything you ever wanted to know about Texas - well, almost everything.
Texas visitor mapRespondent densities in the various counties in Texas (archived online survey results).
Tips and tricksSome common tips for playing your hand in 42.
Tournament sampleAn archived document of 42 tournament rules written by a Texas Gulf Coast group of professional engineers.
Tourney playersLinked tournament schedules/locations.
Trains and 42An analysis of early railroads and the spread of 42 in pre-1900 Texas.
Trumps in 42A detailed explanation of trumps for beginners who might be having difficulty understanding the concept.
TSHAonlineTexas State Historical Association (TSHA) info on Texas 42 article published online. The TSHA article on 42 is linked in the posting.
U.S. visitor mapA Google map of the United States which shows relative concentrations of 42 visitors.
Visitor commentsWhat visitors have said about 42 and my 42 web site over the years.
Visitor locationsTop ten locations of site visitors (chart + map).
Whitney remarksJerry Whitney, 2009 Texas State 42 Champion, discusses the merits of random selection of partners in 42 tournaments.
Word searchFind the 42 terms (13 total) in an 8x8 matrix.

visitors since 13 May 2011
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