A Poem About the Game of 42

T e x a s   S t y l e   D o m i n o e s
© Cowboy Christian 2008
      (Reprinted with permission)

One game I often play
With a few other friends of mine
To pass along a longer day
Yes, it steals away the time!
Texas Forty-two, it's called
Rules are simple too
Only play a hand or two, that's all
For me to teach you Forty-two!
Two people may the partner claim
42 is the name of the game!

One first rule every man should know:
With a hand, grab three, and a hand grab four
To give you seven dominoes
You won't need less, you won't need more.
To quote my Daddy, and his before
Right down to the last hand of tricks
"Only idiots bid a score:
Fives without the double and six!"
Two people may the partner claim
42 is the name of the game!

On the perk is a coffee pot
With some blackness, bad and strong.
To sharpen the mind a little (or a lot)
Yes, to encourage fun and laughter long!
To start the rules, there's seven tricks
Rate them by numbers in a suit and count, then call,
On the dominoes you picked
Forty-two points in all
Two people may the partner claim
42 is the name of the game!

On the shaker's left, the first bidding falls
With thirty being the least to begin,
The highest bidder wins trumps to call.
Yet only the bidder must end with the win
To follow suit (the heaviest side)
Really is how the game is done
Only remember, you're on your partner's side
For when ALL is spelled, that team has won
Two people may the partner claim
42 is the name of the game!

~ ~ ~

Note: This poem is copyrighted material and may not be
reproduced without written permission from its author at
the Cowboy Christian web site.

visitors since 27 Mar 2008