Nancy, Steve, Will and Ella are from Austin. They play 42 every Friday night. Nancy shuffles, and each draws the same dominos as in the original sample. Ella bids first.
Ella (sits left of shuffler Nancy) begins the bid. She has four fives
she could call trump, but she doesn't have the double-five (a ten-count) so she passes. (I would have bid 31 since I could afford to lose the trick with the double-five; however, trying to get back in the lead to "walk" my deuces would be risky. In this hand, Steve has the double-five, would win the trick when it was played, and could come back with his double-blank [ ] lead and set me.)
The bid rotates clockwise to Steve who has three doubles. He bids 30. If he gets the bid, he would probably call fours trump or call no-trumps ("follow-me"). In this case, unbeknownst to Steve, his partner (Nancy) has the other three trumps if he called fours as trump. If Nancy and Steve were to play their dominos wisely, they wouldn't have any problem making 30.
Will is strong in treys and sixes, so he bids 31. If he gets the bid, he could call either treys or sixes as trumps. In this case, he wants to try sixes, hoping his partner has the six-four ( ) trump, and/or it falls on the first trick when he leads the double-six ( ). (Treys might be a safer trump since the five-deuce [ ] "off" domino makes Will more vulnerable to being set, especially if he didn't take in the six-four [ ] trump in the first trick. In this case, Nancy would surely play her six-blank [ ] on the first trick and then she would be holding the high trump [a ten-count] and the double-ace [ ] for taking subsequent leads and setting Will.)
Nancy (last bidder) is strong in aces. Since her partner (Steve) bid 30, she assumes he can provide some help, so she bids 32 and calls aces trump. (Bidding more than 32 was not necessary since Nancy had last bid, and the previous high bid was 31. If Nancy would have had to bid higher than 32 to get the bid, she could have bid as much as 35 without being set [as demonstrated below].)
Here's how the players could play the above hand after Nancy/Steve got the bid (aces trump):
Trick #1: Nancy leads her highest trump ( ), and each player, in turn, follows suit by playing a trump. Nancy takes the trick.
Trick #2: Nancy leads the second highest trump ( ) to call
in the other trump. Her partner (Steve) cannot follow suit so he plays the double-five ( ), a ten-count. Will cannot follow suit, so he "throws off" the trey-blank ( ). Nancy takes the trick.
Trick #3: Since Nancy has the (the other ten-count), it is relatively "safe" for her to lead the (it won't draw the out). Her partner (Steve) cannot follow suit, so he plays his four-blank ( ). Ella takes the trick with the . Her partner (Will) could have taken the trick with his , but decided to save it in hopes of "catching" the later.
Trick #4: Ella leads her double-deuce ( ), and everybody follows suit. Ella takes the trick which includes the five-count ( ) that Nancy had to play.
Trick #5: Ella leads the (a "walker" since the other six deuces have already been played). Nancy "trumps in" with the four-ace ( ), a five-count, and takes the trick.
Trick #6: Nancy leads the hoping her partner can take the lead. Her partner (Steve) takes the trick with the double-four ( ).
Trick #7: Steve leads his five-four ( ) to take the last trick and make the bid. Nancy was able (fortunate) to play the on this trick, and Ella had to play the last five-count ( ).
Nancy/Steve get a mark on the score pad, and Ella shuffles ("shakes") the dominos for the next hand.